Step by step
French Press

Step 1
Preheat your French Press with boiling water and press down the plunger. Discard boiling water and remove plunger.

Step 2
Place French Press onto scales and tare. Add 45g of ground coffee.

Step 3
Start timer and add your boiling water.

Step 4
Stir the coffee, and leave to brew for approximately 4 minutes.

Step 5
After 4 minutes, skim off any foam from the top and discard. This will give you a cleaner brew and get rid of any bitter flavours.

Step 6
Once the foam is discarded, push down on the plunger gently until it meets the top of the coffee grounds.

Step 7
Leave for another minute or two to allow the grounds to fully settle, removing the probability of sediment in your cup. Pour and enjoy!