Step by step

Step 1
Boil your kettle, ideally to around 95-97 degrees.

Step 2
Assemble the AeroPress by placing a filter paper in the black cap, and screwing into place on the brewer. Make sure to use some of your boiling water to rinse the filter paper.

Step 3
Weigh out 15g of coffee and grind to a medium coarseness and add to your Aeropress.

Step 4
Place your Aeropress on top of your decanter and scales, and tare.

Step 5
Start your timer, and begin pouring 250ml quickly.

Step 6
Once you've poured all your water, stir your coffee, and add the plunger to your Aeropress but do not apply any pressure yet.

Step 7
Remove from the scale and leave to brew for around 2 minutes.

Step 8
After 2 minutes of brewing, begin plunging down slowly until you hear a hissing sound. You want to aim for a 30 second plunge.

Step 9
Remove the cap from the bottom and discard your coffee.